Doctors are skeptical about many health supplements, but CBD doesn’t appear to be one of them. Even prestigious Ivy League schools like Harvard admit CBD has valid medical uses. While there’s a great deal we don’t know about how CBD works, it’s clear more scientists are getting excited about medical CBD oil.

What Are CBD Oil’s Most Significant Medical Traits?

Unquestionably, epilepsy is the best-studied condition related to medical CBD oil. Indeed, research into CBD oil for epilepsy is so convincing that the FDA approved a CBD drug called Epidiolex for children. 

While scientists aren’t sure how CBD works for epilepsy, multiple trials suggest it reduces the frequency and severity of seizures. Some believe CBD’s interaction with the nervous and endocannabinoid systems is central to its healing properties. 

Although not as well-studied as epilepsy, many researchers believe medical CBD oil has multiple benefits for mental health conditions. In particular, scientists are interested in CBD’s natural anti-anxiety properties. Many placebo-controlled trials already suggest CBD could be helpful in the treatment of social anxiety disorder.

medical CBD

Dozens of studies also suggest CBD has anti-inflammatory benefits. Indeed, trials out of Cornell and the University of Kentucky found that CBD helped reduce arthritis-related knee inflammation. While these weren’t clinical trials, they strongly suggest CBD could be used for many chronic pain conditions. 

How Do You Get The Max Benefits From Medical CBD Oil?

Everybody prefers using CBD oil in different ways, but there are “better” techniques for taking this cannabinoid. For instance, patients will always experience better absorption rates if they use the “sublingual method.”

After measuring your CBD dosage in a dropper, place the oil under your tongue, hold for 30 seconds, and swallow. Although this technique may seem strange, it’s the best way to get CBD to pass the blood-brain barrier. The tongue’s sublingual glands can absorb compounds like CBD into the bloodstream, which means you’ll enjoy a near 100 percent absorption rate. 

The only CBD products with comparable absorption rates include smokable hemp flowers and vape carts. These extracts travel directly into a person’s lungs, which means smokers should feel CBD’s full effects within a few minutes. 

If customers are going to use CBD capsules or edibles, they should remember these products take longer to make an impact. Also, by the time the liver breaks down these supplements, they won’t be as potent as the packaging claims. Some reports suggest only 15 – 20 percent of an edible’s posted CBD concentration ends up in the bloodstream. 

Fascinating research from the University of Minnesota also suggests that “CBD timing” could help or hinder hemp’s effectiveness. In this trial, researchers examined CBD absorption in two groups of participants. The first group took CBD on an empty stomach, while the second took it with a high-fat meal. Interestingly, those who took CBD with a meal absorbed more CBD oil. 

As a final note: Please remember CBD could interact with prescription pills. Anyone already taking medications should speak with a physician before experimenting with CBD. Only a registered doctor will know how to use medical CBD oil without disrupting your other treatment strategies.

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