Does your mood sometimes feel like a roller coaster, varying from big highs to big lows? You’re not alone and you may be a candidate for a protocol of CBD for anxiety and depression. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that more than 40 million adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder. This treatable condition can range from generalized anxiety disorder to social anxiety and depression.

Some anxieties stem from a traumatic incident, like what causes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Different kinds of anxiety and depression could also stem from genetics or certain personality traits. The symptoms may always be present or arise over the years. While many people will work with a psychiatrist with a mix of talk therapy and medicine, others look for a natural alternative or supplement to therapy. CBD for anxiety and depression is a new treatment that offers benefits for a number of reasons.

CBD for Anxiety and Depression Shows “Considerable Potential”

As marijuana is a federally regulated plant, it has taken some time for scientists to receive adequate funding to study its medicinal benefits. Of course, people who use it report many anecdotal testimonials. Science is slowly catching up.

In 2015, the U.S. National Library of Medicine published a report on the “considerable potential” for CBD to help alleviate anxiety and depression. The researchers found evidence that acute amounts of CBD could reduce panic disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, and generalized anxiety disorders.

Personalized Dosage Needed

Because dose amounts are not available for any substance that is unregulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CBD use must be personalized. This means that everyone who uses it may require different amounts at different times of the day. Treatments may need to be varied, even for the same diagnosis.

Anyone who uses CBD for anxiety and depression, whether smoking, vaping, as edibles, in tinctures, or as creams, should start small. Noticing the impact on your sleep habits, thought patterns, and breath can help determine whether you should take more or less.

CBD dose

Considering Other Cannabinoids

With medicinal marijuana, it’s important to understand that there are other chemicals at work besides CBD. THC, another commonly known chemical in marijuana, has also been shown to reduce anxiety. However, this is only true in small doses. In larger doses, the opposite effect is demonstrated.

Other chemicals in marijuana-grade cannabis also impact the body. There are more than 150 different compounds in the plant that interact with body functions. For example, terpenes are the chemical that produces the aroma of marijuana. It’s been shown to help moderate the endocannabinoid system, too.

Still, CBD has been repeatedly shown to be effective in mimicking the results of anti-depressants.

CBD Helps with Homeostasis

When it comes to our moods, we usually feel better and more grounded when we feel stable. The endocannabinoid system of the body is responsible for this feeling of homeostasis.

When the hormones and other chemicals in the body are out of balance due to trauma, stress, genetic, or environmental condition, some form of supplementation is wise. This is why many people take vitamins and minerals. Now, many people are supporting their mental and physical health with the benefits of CBD, too.

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